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OpenBlend meetup

Četrtek, 20/04/2023

Dear tech enthusiasts,

We are delighted to invite you to our upcoming OpenBlend Meetup on the evening of April 20, 2023, sponsored by Endava. This event is an excellent opportunity to network with other engineers and learn from industry experts.

We’ll enjoy the evening listening to two brilliant talks.

Adopting the cutting edge: An Apache Pulsar story by Anže Cesar, Head of Engineering at MAROPOST / Findify.
“I’ll tell a story about how we used Apache Pulsar to build a near real-time data sync feature for our search engine. More than just a talk about Pulsar, this is a war story about what problem we wanted to solve and why, how we chose technologies, what problems we encountered along the way and how we addressed those problems. With this talk, I hope to inspire people to take informed risks and adopt newer, more cutting-edge technologies.” – Anže.

Enhancing the IntelliJ developer experience with large language models by Andrej Barovic Karpov, Lead Developer, Endava and Tea Brasanac, Data Scientist, Endava
“In this presentation, we will introduce an IntelliJ extension that connects to a REST API powered by a large language model to generate code. We will start by outlining the project’s objectives and provide an overview of the technologies used, including the large language model and REST API. We will then demonstrate the extension’s features, showcasing how it works and its benefits. We will also discuss some of the challenges we faced during development and explain how we overcame them. Finally, we will present our plans for the future of the project. Overall, we believe this extension can significantly enhance developers’ productivity working with IntelliJ, and we are excited to continue improving and developing it.” – Andrej && Tea.

  • Zvrst: Meetup
  • Ura: 20/04/2023 - 18:00 - 21:00
  • Lokacija:Računalniški muzej, Celovška cesta 111, Ljubljana