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OpenBlend May 2023

Torek, 23/05/2023

Dear tech enthusiasts,

We are delighted to invite you to our upcoming OpenBlend Meetup on the evening of the 23rd of May, 2023. This event is an excellent opportunity to network with other engineers and learn from the industry’s top experts.

We’ll enjoy the evening listening to two brilliant talks.

  • jOOQ: The easiest way to write SQL on the JVM by Gregor Petrin, Razum d.o.o.
    Gregor will show us jOOQ and why it is the best way to write typesafe SQL in Java. Gregor also plans to show how jOOQ can be neatly used from Kotlin, Groovy or Scala…
  • Kubernetes Gateway API by Marko Lukša, Red Hat.
    After writing a best-seller book on Kubernetes – Kubernetes in Action -, Marko will take some time from writing the second edition and give us a short and sweet into the new Gateway API.
  • Zvrst: Meetup
  • Ura: 23/05/2023 - 18:00 - 21:00
  • Lokacija:Računalniški muzej, Celovška 111, 1000 Ljubljana