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Ljubljana Embedded Meetup

Sreda, 12/04/2023

Book your slot for the 3rd meetup where we’ll review the approaches Visionect used for tackling security issues on Joan’s room booking devices from the firmware perspective.
Explanation of the system and overview of device interfaces that pose a security risk and solutions for tackling each security challenge.
We’ll shed a light on questions such as: What are the measures to prevent extraction and/or injection of firmware?
How do we secure firmware upgrades and communication with the server on the protocol and connectivity level?
What are AES, TLS, and WPA Enterprise, and how are they used in practice on an embedded system?

Embedded meetups are informal meetings for anyone interested in the world of devices. Suitable for professionals, beginners, hobbyists….anyone who is interested and excited about different areas of device development.

The aim of the meetings is to give everyone interested the opportunity to exchange knowledge, practices and ideas and, of course, to get to know and network with each other.

We’re focused on all embedded device related topics like hardware & firmware development, production, testing and even product development.

Each meeting will be dedicated to a specific theme, with a part dedicated to keynote presentations or lectures (with internal and external speakers) and a part dedicated to lightning talk. After the lectures, there will be time for a relaxed chat, exchange of views and networking over drinks.

  • Organizator: Visionect d.o.o.
  • Spletna stran:
  • Zvrst: Meetup
  • Ura: 12/04/2023 - 18:00 - 20:00
  • Lokacija:Računalniški muzej