Exhibition “ARNES 30 Years”

On the occasion of the exhibition marking thirty years of The Academic and Research Network of Slovenia (ARNES), we also set up reconstructions of the websites of the renowned servers Stenar and Razor, which played a significant role in early internet access in Slovenia.
1989 Slovenia connects to the European academic computer network at a speed of 48 Kb/s.
1990 YUNAC, the Yugoslav academic network, is established, based at the Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS).
1991 The newly acquired server Stenar, located in a shelter, handles the delivery of emails to the world.
1992 The Government of the Republic of Slovenia establishes the public institution Arnes.
1993 Arnes co-founds DANTE, coordinating European connectivity for national academic networks.
1994 The Slovenian Internet Exchange (SIX) is established, facilitating internet traffic exchange in Slovenia.
1995 The Ministry of Science and Technology approves connections to schools, libraries, and industrial R&D departments.
1996 Free internet access is provided to all people with disabilities.
1997 The 1,000th .si domain is registered.
1998 Systematic training for teachers on internet connectivity begins.
1999 Arnes joins the European Safer Internet program (later SAFE-SI).
2000 The first multimedia transmission (MIRK) is conducted.
2001 The 10,000th .si domain is registered.
2002 A record IPv6 speed of 348 Mb/s is achieved between Ljubljana and Madrid.
2003 Arnes starts using domestic technology to identify spam.
2004 Eduroam, now the world’s largest educational and research wireless network, is launched in Slovenia.
2005 Domain registration is liberalized: users can choose any .si domain.
2006 The GEANT network connects directly with India.
2007 The first SIRikt conference is held in Kranjska Gora.
2008 Arnes supports data transmission from CERN (in 2012, contributing 4% of the Higgs boson calculation).
2009 Arnes and the go6 Institute organize the first Slovenian IPv6 meeting.
2010 The National Grid Initiative is launched.
2011 The Safe on the Internet program begins.
2012 A simultaneous concert is held in Trieste and Ljubljana.
2013 The “E-Schoolbag” project and e-services for schools are launched.
2014 Arnes receives the President’s Medal for Meritorious Services.
2015 In collaboration with RTV Slovenia, Arnes produces the film hekerji.si.
2016 Optical IR connects 703 locations.
2017 While Horjak illustrates a comic, Arnes launches a mass training program for teachers.
2018 Arnes leads the newly established SLING consortium, the Slovenian supercomputing network.
2019 Arnes Video hosts a record 113 concurrent users; a year later, this number rises to 29,000.
2020 Arnes classrooms become a critical national service.
2021 Arnes coordinates the Competence Center + HPC Vega, Slovenia’s first high-performance supercomputer in 20 years.
2022 Arnes helps shape the Slovenian open science community.
2023 A super-connected world has been built; the next challenge will be data.
Computer History Museum Slovenia prepared the exhibition to commemorate 30 years of operation of the Academic and Research Network of Slovenia. The exhibition was displayed as part of the accompanying program for the Knowledge Network conference in October 2022 in Ljubljana.