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Design Month (October 2013)

Tonight marks the opening of the Design Month, where we also have our own corner.

olpc one laptop per children!
olpc one laptop per children! (Photo credit: emmma peel)

The mini-exhibition titled “Design Excellence of the Last 30 Years” follows the concept that one of the key motivations for the development of domestic digital technologies over recent decades has been an ideological commitment to liberating information and ensuring free and widespread access to it. Along this journey, several milestones marked significant leaps in accessibility. We present some of them here. What’s fascinating about these milestones is that they were always closely tied to new design concepts. Technological breakthroughs were consistently made possible by visionary individuals working in close collaboration with responsible designers. These partnerships and their final products form the critical nodes in the development of the information society. Here’s what we are showcasing:

  • A working ZX Spectrum.
  • Windows 95 installation CD, booklet, and Microsoft Natural keyboard.
  • iMac G3, blue, working
  • Kindle 2, working
  • OLPC, working

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