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🕘 Opening hours: Thu and Fri 4-8pm, Sat 10am-4pm. Closed Sundays and public holidays.


The collection of the Computer History Museum Slovenia comprises over 7000 items. The foundation for building the comprehensive collection of the Computer Museum was the original 312 items from the Kiberpipa computer museum. The museum’s collection includes objects and materials of computing heritage:

  • that are products of Slovenian knowledge and creativity,
  • that were made, designed, or planned by Slovenians living and working abroad,
  • that were made abroad but had a decisive impact on the lives or habits of Slovenians,
  • that are significant from a historical, ethnological, or sociological perspective,
  • that represent a significant technological improvement on a global scale or are unique by any other standard and can be recognized as world technical heritage.

Collection Policy of the Computer History Museum Slovenia

  • We collect objects and materials from the field of computing;
  • The materials we collect may be in physical form, recorded electronically on a medium, or stored virtually (on servers…);
  • We place special emphasis on collecting items and materials created by Slovenians, owned by important figures from Slovenian history, or that participated in significant events in Slovenian history, which depict the history and applications of computers in Slovenia. We are obliged to preserve such items and materials due to their symbolic value, regardless of whether they are duplicates;
  • We aim to include as many items as possible that illustrate the history and working methods of companies in Slovenia involved in the development and production of computers;
  • With our collection policy, we strive to create complete thematic collections, thus prioritizing the collection of items we are still missing;
  • When collecting, we prioritize items and materials that are functional, in good condition, operational, or can be restored to working order;
  • We collect items that represent the history, innovations, and development of computing worldwide for the purpose of raising awareness, education, and enabling independent research;
  • We collect technical heritage objects/technical items that will contribute to a more comprehensive presentation of the various uses of computers in both public and private spheres;
  • We also collect other items that capture the spirit of the time (in which Slovenian or foreign computers were created).

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