V torek, 26. februarja, je v lokalu Pritličje potekala okrogla miza z gostoma Janezom Škrubejem in Jožetom Buhom, ki

V torek zvečer je v mini konferenčni sobi Pritličja v izvedbi Računalniškega muzeja potekala okrogla miza Svetla in temna

Na slovenski kulturni praznik Računalniški muzej v Zgodovinskem atriju ljubljanske Mestne hiše otvarja razstavo, ki sicer posega slabih 40
Kdo se še spomni Windows 95 in vanje vgrajene kratkočasovne igre Minesweeper! V časih pred Internetom je bila prav
When institutions present large exhibitions of iconic, deceased artists, their are
primary objective is often to ask, and answer a
Her tricky smile and timeless allure have inspired academic study & artistic
emulation for more than five once and
Her tricky smile and timeless allure have inspired academic study & artistic emulation for more than five once and

Composed sometime between the 1430s and 1450s, Donatello’s bronze David represents a series. Provocatively jutting hip as he trium

When institutions present large exhibitions of iconic, deceased artists, their are
primary objective is often to ask, and answer a

In a 1982 essay, Halley wrote that the idealist square becomes the prison made
Geoetry is revealed as confinementIn other